Acquiring new skills or knowledge by themselves is of little use until these skills and competencies are transferred to the workplace. When the skills are deployed at work and practiced as a daily habit, results start to show. And this is where a Learning Transfer Platform comes in:

Gameplan uses a learning transfer platform such as PROMOTE to build high performance learning journeys. These could be a combination of webinars, in-person training, digital or micro learning etc.

The Learning transfer platform encourages participants to apply what they learned on a real life situation at work through tasks, assignments and group and team activities that are facilitated both by external facilitators as well as in-company coaches. By stretching the learning over time and space, the platform embeds the skills and behaviours within the learner for lasting impact. Here is an example of how a training program on conflict resolution can be used to build real life skills and behaviours.


PROMOTE is a learning transfer platform built on four key concepts proven to support learners in sustaining behavioural change.

  1. Social Learning: PROMOTE facilitates focused on the job experience sharing throughout the learning journey. Learners get inspired by the actions of others, share best practices, reflect, collaborate and network with each other.
  2. Effective Training: PROMOTE shifts expectations and accountability from the classroom to application and performance on the job. The result of effective training is higher motivation, a higher level of engagement and lowered training costs.
  3. Impact Measurement: PROMOTE enables tracking of progress at an individual level as well as their accomplishments over time.
  4. Management Involvement: Through PROMOTE, line managers are engaged in the learning journey and the platform supports managers in knowing when their involvement is needed and also how to interact on the platform.

Talk To Our Specialist

Nadeem Malak

Managing Partner

Brinkerhoff High Performing Learning Journey Certified